May 25, 2014

Yoga for Cyclists: 6 Poses in 6 Minutes

Training in Lake Placid, May 2014.
When I started bicycle touring in 2003, I felt like the muscles of my legs, hips and back never got to rest. As a result, I started stretching every 10 km or so to “rejuvenate” these major muscle groups.  My stretches evolved over the years as I accumulated distance on my saddle (3000+ km per year), experience and integrated what I learned on the yoga mat.

Today, I practice a mindful stretching routine which allows me to ride longer distance while maintaining strength and flexibility. The routine can be completed in 6 minutes flat! The perfect spot is under a tree or along a fence anywhere “en route”. Ideally, it should be repeated at appropriate intervals (e.g. at 30mts; 60mts; 120mts). Click here to access MY TOP 6 POSES.